With Communication Disorders Since 1936
Saturday, April 26
8:00 am – 9:00 am
Session 1 - KEYNOTE - Grow Through Giving: Volunteer and Thrive
Tena McNamara, AuD, CCC-A/SLP, ASHA
This presentation will examine the various benefits of volunteer leadership, particularly its contributions to physical and mental health improvements. We will discuss the external rewards and the internal rewards derived from volunteer engagement. Additionally, the discussion will address how volunteering cultivates professional skills in conjunction with personal development. Furthermore, we will identify critical questions to consider when presented with a volunteer opportunity, enabling individuals to make informed decisions that align with their personal and professional aspirations. Finally, we will provide examples of the significant accomplishments achieved by MNSHA volunteers, illustrating the positive impact of their contributions on the community and professions.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify the impact of volunteering on professional development.
- Explain the benefits of volunteering on physical and mental health.
- Describe key leadership and teamwork skills gained through volunteering.
Level of Learning: Introductory
9:30 am – 11:00 am
Session 2 - Cognitive Rehabilitation and Speech-Language Pathology: Applying the Evidence
Katy O’Brien, PhD, CCC-SLP, Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
Kate Croswell Dole, MA, CCC-SLP, Minnesota Department of EducationRehabilitation clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are intended to translate best available evidence into clear recommendations for clinical application, delineating what CPG elements should and should not be provided to ensure the greatest likelihood of favorable outcomes from treatment. Such CPGs also seek to level care across systems, providing similarly high-quality services regardless of setting or provider. Unfortunately, in practice, implementing CPGs is challenging, as is measuring fidelity of intervention implementation and linking particular interventions to patient outcomes. This is particularly true for cognitive rehabilitation guidelines, which require tailoring of treatment approaches and modification over time. This presentation will address barriers to implementation of cognitive rehabilitation CPGs, including clinical pressures often experienced by speech-language pathologists, but also point toward opportunities to better understand, select and apply high quality cognitive rehabilitation care. In particular, this session will provide an overview of how cognitive rehabilitation best practices can be defined using the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System (RTSS). From a cognitive rehabilitation standpoint, this framework can be applied to guide implementation of person-centered, evidence-based care, supporting systematic thinking about what is important to the patient (aims), how particular skills or abilities impact those person-centered aims (targets), what therapeutic activities and objects may be necessary to address those targets (ingredients) and to consider why those ingredients are hypothesized to work and thus have been selected (mechanism of action). Examples of how current cognitive rehabilitation CPGs can be mapped using the RTSS will be provided, as well as examples of applications in clinical care.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and summarize barriers and facilitators in implementing cognitive rehabilitation clinical practice guidelines.
- List at least three examples of cognitive rehabilitation ingredients and how they might be applied in clinical practice.
- Identify and explain the role of both mental representation as well as skills and habits training in cognitive rehabilitation treatment.
Level of Learning: Intermediate
Session 3 - Early Education and the READ Act
Lucy Arias, MEd, MN Department of Education
With a focus on oral language and executive function skills, this engaging session will explore how to create a seamless and effective literacy journey for young learners, starting with early childhood education. In addition to learning how the READ Act’s requirements apply in early education settings (preschool, including Early Childhood Special Education, through grade three), participants will uncover the power of play-based instruction as an evidence-based, inclusive and joyful approach to teaching literacy for ALL students. Aligned with the Science of Reading, play provides a rich and engaging environment for children ages three to eight to develop essential literacy skills and create a strong foundation for future literacy success.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe how success in literacy starts BEFORE enrollment in K and vertical alignment between preschool and elementary programs is critical.
- Identify and describe the requirements of the READ Act apply to Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) and early childhood general education.
- Identify and describe how play is an evidence-based, joyful, and engaging method of instruction for literacy and aligned with the Science of Reading.
Level of Learning: Intermediate
Session 4 - Elevating the SLP’s Role in ADHD and Extreme Demand Avoidance
Bobbi Rohwer, MS, CCC-SLP, Intermediate District 287
While not widely acknowledged, many children with ADHD experience difficulties in communication, which can often result in them shutting down or exhibiting explosive behaviors. Though SLPs are not often consulted in this area, we are uniquely qualified to provide skilled education and indirect services to support those working with children with ADHD. Our services can support educators, assistants, families and other professionals in understanding and addressing the unique communication styles and behavioral patterns associated with neurodivergent profiles, such as Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD). Recent research has shed light on these diverse profiles that can accompany ADHD, emphasizing the need for tailored communication strategies to effectively interact with and teach these children. In this presentation, we’ll explore how SLPs can take a more active role in the ADHD child’s treatment plan. By elevating our role in these discussions and incorporating evidence-based communication strategies, we can foster more effective collaboration and positive outcomes for individuals with ADHD while also supporting the adults who work closely with them.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- List and describe the executive functions implicated in ADHD and how they relate to communication breakdowns.
- Identify behaviors associated with extreme demand avoidance and rejection sensitivity.
- List at least three communication strategies that can be used to foster more positive outcomes with children who exhibit PDA or RSD profiles.
Level of Learning: Introductory
Session 5 - Examining Current Practices in Speech Audiometry for Multilingual Patients
Kristi Oeding, PhD, AuD; Hedaya Abdulgefar, from Minnesota State University, Mankato
The United States is a diverse country. While English is the official language, there are a multitude of languages that are spoken. The American Community Survey (Rumbaut & Massey, 2013), reported that 20.3% of people in the United States spoke a language other than English. When thinking about testing in audiology, we need to consider that many patients we see will speak a language other than English or speak multiple languages. This becomes important when completing speech audiometry tests as the results can dictate management options for the patient. While we do have some tests in several languages, it is uncertain how often these tests are utilized in clinical practice. This talk will discuss the results of a thorough literature review to examine what we currently know about implementing speech audiometry in several languages in the clinic. Then we will discuss a survey that was completed asking hearing healthcare practitioners what their current practices are for multilingual patients. This survey asked questions related to what languages are utilized in their clinic and how are the results interpreted. Preliminary data reports that audiologists see patients who speak a multitude of languages. The majority of audiologists used their own judgement when examining results in other languages versus using an interpreter. These results will provide a picture of what current practices are for multilingual patients and can be used to determine where research is still needed to ensure our multilingual patients receive best outcomes in audiology care.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe what literature exists on best practices for multilingual patients.
- Identify and describe what services hearing health care providers are currently providing for multilingual patients.
- Identify and explain why defining best practices for multilingual patients is important and future directions for research and clinical care.
Level of Learning: Introductory
Session 6 - Hot Tips From MNSHA’s AAC Committee
Rebecca Tetlie, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, Retired
Jolene Hyppa-Martin, PhD, CCC-SLP, University of Minnesota Duluth
Cristin McCormick, MA, CCC-SLP, Independent School District
Mary Bauman-Spooner, MS, CCC-SLP, St. Cloud State University
Cheryl Luckow, MA, CCC-SLP, Anoka Hennepin Schools; Tech for HOMEJoin MNSHA AAC committee members for hot tips including several FREE evidence-based AAC assessment and intervention resources to add to your practice! A directory of SLPs who provide AAC evaluations and intervention in Minnesota has been created by the committee and will be shared (you can even add your name to this directory!). We’ll tell you about the new AAC Kits that will be available to check out from STAR. This is a session you won’t want to miss as committee members highlight the Minnesota AAC Repository, upcoming AAC events, and other newsworthy topics! Find out how you can join our fun committee and stay up to date on AAC- all in one session!
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and locate two free AAC resources for use in their practice.
- Identify the contents of AAC kits and from where they can be borrowed.
- Identify the location of The Minnesota AAC Repository on mobile devices.
- Describe how to access a list of SLPs who provide AAC services in Minnesota and how to add their contact information to this list.
Level of Learning: Intermediate
Session 7 - Increasing Interprofessional Practice Experiences for Student Clinicians in the Medical Setting
Danielle Schneeman, MS, CCC-SLP, St. Cloud State University & University of Minnesota Medical School
Encouraging interprofessional practice (IPP) and interprofessional teamwork for SLP students in the medical setting is paramount to establishing base for practice and success within these settings. Interprofessional teamwork is described by ASHA as a ‘vital skill at any career stage.’ Student experience in interprofessional education (IPE) is now recognized and valued with focus moving beyond ‘more collaboration’ to ‘better collaboration’ between services. Despite this, IPE is highly variable between programs and results in a challenge for professionals instructing SLP students within clinical placements. While the value of IPE and collaboration is often valued and heavily relied upon by the medical SLP, direct instruction and IPP opportunities for students may be limited or pushed aside in favor of instruction on discipline specific skills, fear (both clinician and student based) and reasonable concern for time constraints. This session will explain why early interprofessional experiences are important in clinical placements for SLP students, describe strategies to promote interprofessional practice (IPP) to SLP students, and help clinicians identify and increase opportunities for student participation in interprofessional practice (IPP) within his/her setting.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and explain three reasons why interprofessional practice and interprofessional teamwork experiences are important for the SLP student during clinical placements in the medical setting.
- List and summarize strategies to promote IPP to SLP students during clinical placements in the medical setting.
- Identify three opportunities for collaboration and/or intentional IPP and demonstrate insight as to why and how these opportunities could be more and less challenging for SLP students within one’s own practice setting.
Level of Learning: Intermediate
11:15 am – 11:45 am
Honors and Awards Ceremony
11:45 am – 12:45 am
Future Professionals Committee Forum
12:45 pm – 1:45 pm
Poster Presentations
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Session 8 - Dementia and Dysphagia: A Patient Centered Approach for Management
Alissa Allison, MS, CCC-SLP, UCHealth-Colorado
Dementia is a complex medical diagnosis that involves a high level of interdisciplinary care and can result in a variety of complications, such as UTIs, pneumonia and dehydration. Speech-language pathologists can provide valuable information to decrease stay of hospitalizations and complications by understanding the current research, facilitating caregiver training and recognizing impact of patient behaviors on feeding and swallowing. This presentation will focus on review of current dysphagia patterns with dementia, how and why speech-language pathologists should consider stage of cognition using appropriate assessment tools and relation to the dysphagia clinical picture, in addition to how to adapt a plan of care with disease progression. Learners will also learn and consider the ethical considerations regarding diet management and other clinical recommendations.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe the patterns of dysphagia and dementia.
- Identify how cognitive status in dementia can facilitate intervention for dysphagia.
- Identify and descibe how to adapt a plan of care by understanding stages of dementia.
- Identify and describe ethical considerations for dementia and the management of dysphagia
Level of Learning: Intermediate
Session 9 - Enhancing Access to Hearing Healthcare
Kristi Oeding, PhD, Minnesota State Mankato
Brent Fisher, AuD, University of Minensota DuluthThis presentation uses data from the recent study by Rein et al. (2024) in the Lancet Regional Health-Americas to provide insights into state—and county-level variations in hearing loss prevalence by demographic subgroups. It focuses on significant disparities in access to hearing health care, with attention to underserved populations. By mapping hearing loss prevalence with this model, we identify geographic hotspots and demographic trends that inform resource allocation and potential opportunities in underserved areas of the State of Minnesota and beyond. Findings illuminate the need for targeted, region-specific strategies to addressing hearing health care needs. The presentation will explore how data-driven approaches can drive actionable insights and activities for clinicians and policymakers. Examples of actionable steps toward intervention will be provided.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Describe data modeling in hearing access research.
- Identify geographic and demographic trends in hearing loss.
- Identify and explore strategies to enhance accessibility in hearing health care.
- Identify current disparities in access to hearing health care
Level of Learning: Introductory
Session 10 - Guide to Medicaid Reimbursement for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices
Kursten Dubbels, MEd, Minnesota Department of Education
Julie Neururer, MS, Minnesota Department of Education
Kathleen Stewart, BA, Minnesota Department of Human ServiceThis session will provide a comprehensive guide to the Medicaid reimbursement process for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices procured by the public school system, with a focus on eligibility, required documentation, authorized providers and billing requirements. This session will offer a step-by-step guide through the Medicaid reimbursement for Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) using the MHCP Manual and Minnesota Uniform Companion Guide. Participants will identify who qualifies for Medicaid reimbursement for AAC devices and understand the role of IEP/IFSP in authorizing services without a physician’s order. Participants will identify the essential forms and documents required and understand each step of the Medicaid reimbursement process. By the end of this session, participants will understand how to navigate the Medicaid reimbursement system effectively to assist eligible individuals in accessing AAC devices. Participants will also be able to obtain knowledge of common steps and processing activities to help ensure timely approvals for Medicaid reimbursement.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and navigate the Medicaid reimbursement system.
- Describe how to assist eligible individuals in accessing AAC devices.
- Identify how to ensure timely approvals and Medicaid reimbursement.
Level of Learning: Introductory
Session 11 - Interpreting and Reporting Non-Standardized Measures in Language Assessment
Kerry Ebert, PhD, CCC-SLP; HaeJi Lee, MA, CCC-SLP; Miriam Kornelis, MA, CCC-SLP; Lizbeth Finestack, PhD, CCC-SLP, from University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Appropriate use of standardized, norm-referenced tests in language assessment requires the examinee to fit the normative sample of the test. These normative samples are homogeneous and many children in Minnesota’s schools do not fit them. SLPs can and should utilize alternative, nonstandardized measures for language assessment. However, time and resource constraints inhibit the use of nonstandardized measures and interpreting a child’s performance on these measures is a challenge for many SLPs. Whereas standardized tests yield a single number with a commonly-accepted interpretation (i.e., a standard score), nonstandardized measures yield different types of outcome data, such as qualitative descriptions of performance and quantitative measures that describe performance rather than compare it to other children. These outcomes may require additional explanation or justification. This session will focus on interpreting results from different types of nonstandardized language assessments and integrating these results into assessment reports. We will discuss several types of nonstandardized measures, including language samples, dynamic assessments, observations and parent or teacher reports. Within each of these measures, specific examples of outcome measures and their interpretations will be provided. In addition, we will highlight relevant policies and regulations that support the use of nonstandardized language assessments in diagnosis and eligibility decisions. The session will conclude with case studies that provide an opportunity to apply the information discussed in this presentation. Within the context of a case, attendees can select measures, discuss their interpretations and draft language for reporting outcomes.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe barriers to the use of nonstandardized, criterion-referenced measures in language evaluation for school-age children.
- Identify at least one appropriate outcome measure from at least three different types of nonstandardized measures for language assessment.
- Identify and justify the use of nonstandardized language assessment measures in written evaluation reports.
Level of Learning: Intermediate
Session 12 - Precepting Prep: Evolving From Clinician to Coach!
Sarah Betzold, AuD, CCC-A, Mayo Clinic
The field of audiology is small, but student interest is high. With a small number of available clinical placements, there is a strong chance a clinician may be “pressed into service” to be a preceptor, even if it is not an interest of theirs. There are differences between being an excellent clinician versus a mentoring, supportive teacher. However, it IS possible to be both! This session aims to discuss some of those differences, how to be aware of them and how to capitalize on your (and the students’) strengths for a successful rotation.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- List at least three differences between a clinician and a preceptor.
- List at least three different learning styles and how to adapt to them.
- Identify how to access resources and support.
Level of Learning: Intermediate
Session 13 - Using Symbolism and Analogies To Support Holistic Stuttering Therapy
Erin Bodner, MA, CCC-SLP, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Sheila Cina, MA, CCC-SLP, The Talking Place LLCThis interactive and collaborative presentation will explore the use of symbolism and analogies to enhance client comprehension, engagement and motivation during stuttering therapy. A variety of therapeutic approaches that can be incorporated into a holistic and multidimensional therapy framework will be summarized, including Avoidance Reduction Therapy for Stuttering (ARTS®), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Stuttering as Verbal Diversity™. Participants will explore the use of symbolism and analogies to support emotional, cognitive and behavioral awareness, encouraging increased self-acceptance and improved communication confidence. Participants will also engage in an interactive exercise designed to demonstrate how these approaches can be integrated into therapy activities and adapted to a range of ages. Participants will leave ready to implement a variety of holistic therapy activities.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe the key components of the following three therapy approaches: ARTS® (Avoidance Reduction Therapy for Stuttering), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Stuttering as Verbal Diversity™.
- List at least three benefits of using a multi-dimensional, holistic therapy approach to address the social, cognitive and emotional components of stuttering.
- Create a therapy activity that incorporates the use of symbolism/analogy to support a multi-dimensional, holistic therapy approach to stuttering.
Level of Learning: Intermediate
3:45 pm – 5:15 pm
Session 14 - Advancing Person-Centered Care for Deaf/deaf/Hard of Hearing Individuals
Kari Sween, MS; Kristi Oeding, PhD, AuD, from Minnesota State University, Mankato
The field of communication sciences and disorders has a complex and often fraught history in serving persons who are Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing. While we have made significant growth in our practices in health care and in the community, audism (discrimination towards someone who has hearing loss) is still prevalent. This talk will explore and address where we have been and the need to continue striving for person-centered care for Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing individuals. We will begin with a brief exploration of our past where speech-language pathology and audiology sought to “fix” hearing differences using the medical model. This will be contrasted with the social model, which centers the person’s needs and goals for visiting their health care provider. This model that we now strive for seeks to remove barriers, both physical and emotional, and recognizes the diverse identities of persons who are Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing. We will discuss how we can cultivate an inclusive clinical environment that prioritizes accessibility and the client when they seek out our services in communication sciences and disorders. These practices will not only be applicable to the clinic, but also for use in the community as well.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Summarize the history between Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing individuals and professions in communication sciences and disorders.
- Identify and describe what audism is and how it appears in the fields of communication sciences and disorders.
- Identify and define person centered practices.
- Implement the person-centered strategies into your clinical practice and daily life.
Level of Learning: Introductory
Session 15 - All About Aphasia!
Angie Maier, MA, CCC-SLP; Jessica Wald, MA, CCC-SLP, from MnCAN
A team of MnCAN Speech-Language Pathologists will present ways to provide supported conversation in the hospital or community settings in addition to basic information regarding aphasia. You will earn more about the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia, Supportive Conversation and the Social Model. We will discuss how to involve care partners to maximize support through a person with aphasia’s journey. MnCAN offers several program options for persons with aphasia and their care partners; we will share more about our programs and how they can provide community and support to persons with aphasia and their care partners/family members.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and define aphasia and apraxia.
- Identify and implement the core values of Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA), the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA) and the Social Model of Aphasia to increase effectiveness in communication in the clinical and community setting.
- Identify tools that will benefit communication.
- Identify what persons with aphasia really want after a stroke.
Level of Learning: Introductory
Session 16 - Communication, Cognition and Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Assistive Technology
Katy O’Brien, PhD, CCC-SLP, Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
Unfortunately, many Americans are not health literate and experience low literacy. This extends to people with brain injury, who often have chronic complex health and rehabilitation needs following injury, including problems understanding and remembering written language. When reading, cognitive changes associated with brain injury can make it difficult to focus on what is most important, link sentences together to generate meaning, understand the intent or context and remember what was read. In addition, language used in health care tends to be highly technical, making it inaccessible to most Americans, and even more inaccessible for people with brain injury, pointing directly to the need for health care providers to find innovative ways to instead provide even more robust and effective communication. Discussed in this presentation will be recent advances in conversational artificial intelligence (AI) using natural language processing (NLP) to improve accessibility of health care communication, as well as safety and other considerations in this emerging technology. For example, although large language models (like ChatGPT) are becoming well known for their ability to rapidly synthesize and generate large amounts of text, such general, open-access tools hold considerable risks for use with medical communication, including problems related to privacy and data-sharing, as well as bias inherited from source materials. Perhaps of greatest concern, these models may provide responses that appear logical, but are incorrect. Opportunities for more robust development and use of these technologies, that centers patient experiences and communication accessibility, will be highlighted throughout.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe how linguistic complexity may appear in healthcare documents and its impact on both patient care and interdisciplinary communication.
- List three examples of best practices in written communication for people with brain injury.
- Identify and describe at least two safety considerations for use of natural language processing technologies in health care.
Level of Learning: Intermediate
Session 17 - Gestalt Language Processing: Considerations for Clinical Practice
Olivia Matthys, MA, CCC-SLP; Miriam Kornelis, MS, CCC-SLP; Lizbeth Finestack, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, from University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
This presentation, “Gestalt Language Processing: Considerations for Clinical Practice,” explores gestalt language acquisition, commonly observed in autistic and neurodiverse individuals. The session covers understanding gestalt versus analytic language processing, stages of gestalt language development, assessment techniques and challenges, intervention techniques and case studies. Attendees will learn how traditional standardized tests may overlook the communication needs of gestalt users and discover alternative assessment methods that prioritize meaningful interactions. The presentation emphasizes the importance of collaboration with families, culturally responsive practices and flexible goal writing tailored to individual needs. The intervention segment focuses on building authentic connections, following the child’s lead and adapting communication support while recognizing each child’s unique developmental path. Interactive discussions within the session and case studies will equip participants with strategies to apply in clinical practice. This session aims to provide clinicians with evidence-based, neurodiverse-affirming tools and insights to support clients using gestalt language processing. Attendees will leave with practical knowledge for immediate application, promoting a comprehensive approach to language development that respects and values individual communication styles.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe the differences between gestalt and analytic language processing and identify the stages of gestalt language development.
- List alternative assessment techniques that effectively capture the communication needs of individuals who use gestalt language processing.
- Create intervention plans that incorporate evidence-based, neurodiverse-affirming practices, including collaboration with families and flexible goal writing.
Level of Learning: Introductory
Session 18 - Psychosocial and Emotional Impact of Hearing Loss
Kristen Swan, MA, Retired
This presentation will cover several psychological and social factors that impact people with hearing loss (PHL) as well as their communication partners (CP). This will include emotional, cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, vocational and physical considerations. The “crisis of hearing loss” and the subsequent grief issues that surface and that continue throughout one’s journey will be addressed. The tendency for distorted and negative thinking that can be present for both the PHL and the CP, as well as the dangers of isolation, bluffing and enabling will be discussed. Several strategies and suggestions for how to help both the PHL and CP move through their adjustment to this new reality will be offered as well.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify six psychosocial areas affecting the person with hearing loss and their communication partners.
- Identify six factors related to the grief experience.
- Identify eight interpersonal challenges/issues for the PHL and CP.
- Identify six strategies for improving communication and practicing self-care
Level of Learning: Introductory
Session 19 - Supervising SLP-Assistants – Rewards, Challenges and Ways to Make it Work
Blair Voigt, SLPD, CCC-SLP, Howard Lake -Waverly – Winsted School District
Speech-language pathology assistants (SLP-As) are growing in numbers and therefore relevancy in the field of speech-language pathology (ASHA, 2024). With greater training availability and consistency, the potential for SLP-As to positively support the field is notable. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) may be hesitant about taking on SLP-As, but there is a surprising amount of literature that serves to guide the supervisory and clinical relationship (e.g., Schultz et al., 2022; Dennis et al., 2022). This session is designed for speech-language pathologists who either currently supervise an SLP-A or are considering adding one to their team. The session will primarily focus on roles and responsibilities of SLP-As, rewards and challenges of SLP-A supervision, SLP-A supervisory and clinical methods and discussion of the presenter’s current experience with a full-time SLP-A in the public school. The presentation will allow time for attendees to share hesitations about SLP-As and the presenter will lead a discussion regarding cost-benefit ratio of utilizing SLP-As to perform clinical services. Finally, time will be held for group discussion around attendees’ SLP-A supervision experiences and specific questions or issues they are currently facing.
Learner Outcomes: At the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Identify tasks appropriate for an SLP-assistant’s workload.
- List two potential challenges and rewards of working with an SLP-assistant.
- Identify and describe supervisory approaches for working with an SLP-assistant.
- Identify and examine the cost-benefit ratio of working with an SLP-assistant.
Level of Learning: Intermediate