With Communication Disorders Since 1936
- Honors of the Association
- Spirit of MSHA Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Client Recognition Award
- Distinguished Service Award
- ASHF DiCarlo Nominees
- ASHF Kleffner Clinical Career Award Nominees
- Special Recognition Award
Honors of the Association
2021 Lynette Carlson
2020 Sarah Angerman
2019 Pete Amberg
2018 Marilyn Fairchild
2017 Don MacLennan
2016 Jeremy Braun
2015 LaVonne Levar [posthumous]; Anne Lindgren; Rebecca Crowell
2014 Cindy McInroy; Ruth Stoeckel
2012 Ann Derr
2011 Cynthia Busch
2010 Sarah James
2009 Leslie Glaze; David Harper
2008 Mary Garrison
2007 Carol Henderson
2006 Sally Gorski
2005 Holly Dodds
2004 Jack Thomas; Sandy Garcia-Barry; Diana van Deusen
2003 Meredith Boo
2002 Anita Kozan
2001 Frank Cirrin; Linda Hinderscheit
2000 Katie Dauer; Carole Roth
1999 Mary Beth Ferguson; Sam Haroldson
1998 Patricia Hargrove
1997 Ann Napp; Connie Hinnerichs
1996 Mary Weise
1995 Sandra Irwin
1994 Gloria Gross
1993 Karlind Moller; Rita Mueller; Jane Carlstrom
1992 John Hatten
1991 Janet Jacobs
1990 Rena Glaser; Diane Goulett; Diane Sineps
1989 Lorie Schulstad
1988 Frances Laven; Roberta Kreb
1987 David Johnson; Gerald Powers; Maxine Slobof; Kathe Yoss
1985 Richard McDermott
1984 Clark Starr; Joan Jacobson
1983 Fred Darley
1982 Mary Ambroe; Anne Seltz
1981 Robert Pierce
1979 Lee Hedgecock; Frank Lassman
1977 Eleanor Swanson
1974 Bryng Bryngelson; Myfanwy Chapman; Hildred Schuell
1972 Ernest Henrikson
Spirit of MNSHA Award
2021 Martin Templeton
2020 Elizabeth Dettling
2017 Nancy Thul
2016 Laura Borneke-Schauer
2015 Eleanor Swanson
2014 Sarah Angerman; Sarah Hanson
2013 Theresa Estrem
2012 Marlene Schoenberg & the Talk With Me team: Kris Schmiesing Christians, Marilyn Fairchild, Sonja Griebel, Deanine Mann, Christine Paz, and Anne Pionkowski
2011 Katie Widestrom; Kathe Yoss
2010 Lisa K. Giebink
2009 Todd Erickson
2008 Deirdre Michael
2007 Sandy Irwin
2006 Fae Wilson
2004 Ann Derr
2002 Sandy Garcia-Barry
2001 Cindy Toppin
2000 LaVonne Levar
Lifetime Achievement Award
2021 Anita Kozan
2020 Arlene Carney
2019 Jack Thomas
2017 Bonnie Berg
2015 Maxine Slobof
2014 Jane Carlstrom; Margery Whites
2012 Patricia Hargrove
2011 Patricia Broen; Frank Lassman
2009 Karlind Moller
2008 Diane Sineps
2006 Gerald LaVoi
2005 Nancy Lee McKinley (posthumous)
2003 Gerald Siegel
2001 Charles Speaks
1999 Arnold Aronson; Clark Starr
1995 Robert Keith
1993 Mildred Templin
1991 Winifred Northcott
Client Recognition Award
2021 Maddox Lieb and Clare Sierra
2018 Lindsey Smithdorff
2017 Isaac Kolstad and Sherry McVary
2015 Kurt Stiles
2014 Isaiah Grafe
2012 Payton Rodriguez and his family
2011 Steve Austin and Michael Manning
2010 Leslie Goodman, Jr.
2009 Gail Becker
Distinguished Service Award
2020 Elizabeth Watkins
Senator David Durenberger
Senator Rudy Boschwitz
Sertoma Clubs
2018 Mary Hunt; Howard Ansel
2011 Kao Her; May Blia Thao
2007 Katherine Kendall, MD; George Goding, Jr., MD
2003 Carl Brown, MD; Marion Rasmussen, stroke survivor
2002 Candace Lindow-Davies, parent advocate
2001 James Weatherbee
2000 Kathy Casper – Newborn Hearing Screening
1999 Kathleen Baldrica; Principal Bloomington
1998 Lakewood Health Systems & Staples Schools, Dr. Harold Slobof and family
1997 Senator Paul Wellstone; Becky Lourey; Hennepin County Medical Center
1995 Don Shelby & WCCO “Operation Smile”
1994 James T. Schilling & Medical Technologies
1993 1993 Lions Multiple District 5-M Hearing Foundation; Independent School District #287 Hennepin County
1992 Edwin H. Eddy Family Foundation
1991 Naegele Outdoor Advertising, Inc.; PACER Center; State Senator Marty; State Representative Karen Clark
1990 Key City Sertoma Club of Mankato
1989 Carolyn Anderson & MFBHS; KARE-TV Closed Captioning
1988 KSTP-TV “On Your Behalf”; Neil Murray; Debbie Hawkins; Janell Gabor
1987 McDonalds Restaurants; Target stores
ASHF DiCarlo Nominees
1996 Judith Kuster (received DiCarlo award)
1993 Maxine Slobof
1992 Lisa Antley and Vicki Anderson
1991 LeAnn Brusegaard
1990 LaVonne Levar and Carol Sazama
1988 Robert Keith
1985 Karlind Moller
1984 Arnold Aronson
1983 Fred Darley
ASHF Kleffner Clinical Career Award Nominees
1991 Fred Darley (received Kleffner award)
1988 Wayne Olsen (received Kleffner award)
Special Recognition Award
1997 Eleanor Swanson
1989 Elaine Argetsinger